Tips for packing light

Whether you are packing for a business trip or going for vacation, it helps to keep things simple.

Make a list and check twice

Using a packing list is a great way to make sure that you cut down on stuffs as well as remember to pack everything that you need.  As, you will also have a mental picture of the things that you’ll be needing and the space that it might take. Also, it’s one of the ways to make packing fun, as you can tick off the things as you go along.

Go with a color scheme

Another great way to save space in your bag is to limit the number of shoes that you pack and also, reduce the unnecessary repetition of clothing items. That way you can mix match everything that you have and still manage to look chic.

Wear layers and save space

If you’re travelling in a cold climate, it is best to pack up clothes that you can layer on and manage to stay warm at the same time. There is absolutely no need to pack up your bulkiest sweaters as they take up a lot of space. You can try to layer on clothes like a warmer, shirt and jacket on top of that. You’ll be toasty and travel savvy.

Hand Wash Laundry

Soap packets will give you the flexibility to re-wear items that get dirty or stinky. They don’t take much space, it will provide you the option of mix matching your clothes, and not having to worry about re-wearing dirty clothes.

Don’t pack things that you won’t use at home

It often happens that the first-timers going abroad make the mistake of thinking that they are going to another planet and pack way too many things. This classic mistake may be due to ignorance as well or that voice at the back of our head that keeps nagging us about every item that we see, indicating that it’s important. But a good rule of thumb is that, if you don’t need it at home, you won’t need it while travelling.

Buy Stuff There

Since, you’re not travelling to Mars, you’ll be able to find things in your destination that you’ll not only use but once you bring them home will also be a souvenir. And while doing so, you might just bump into the perfect face lotion or hair conditioner from a brand that might be expensive back in the States, making all your friends back home green with envy.

Roll large bulky items, but leave the rest alone

I know it’s an old wives tale that you should roll everything in your bag and here’s why; You have to keep rolling your stuff throughout your entire trip. Not only is this a pain in the butt, it doesn’t actually save all that much space. To keep yourself from the headache, you’d be better off culling some of the items out, and packing things that don’t wrinkle easily.

Happy (light) travels!

Aurora Brooks

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